Our Vital Signs
These are the vital signs that we measure to determine when or if we are growing.
As you look through these and take time for self-reflection, if you notice an area of growth needed in your walk with Jesus, click here for resources to help.
If you would like to take the Vital Signs Assessment click below.

Pursue God
God is triune. Jesus breaks the bond of sin in our lives and thus, we can now be filled with the Holy Spirit, who is constantly making us more into the Holy Image of Jesus. Therefore, we can communicate with God the Father through a life saturated in prayer.
Some questions to consider to assess this vital sign:
- How have I been communicating with God throughout the day?
- How has God been communicating with me?
Engage Scripture
Scripture is the Holy authoritative, Spirit-breathed Word of God.
Some questions to consider to assess this vital sign:
- How has the Holy Spirit shaped my heart as I have spent active time in the Bible this week?
- How have I responded to the Lord’s moving in my study of Scripture?
Serve Others
Jesus’ followers are called to fully love God and love neighbors. This is most often shown through selflessly serving in this world.
Some questions to consider to assess this vital sign:
- How have I served God with my natural and spiritual gifts in my sphere recently?
- How have I put people beyond the walls of the church before myself today?
Radiate Jesus
Part of being a disciple is fishing for people. Jesus expects us to be ready and attentive in this world so that we might intentionally radiate the good news of his life, death, resurrection and indwelling Holy Spirit. Jesus is always sending us into a broken world in need of his healing.
Some questions to consider to assess this vital sign:
- Where did I proclaim or demonstrate the life changing news of Jesus Christ recently?
- How is Jesus working in me currently to demonstrate his good news to others?