Prayer and Care Teams
At Westland Free Methodist Church everything we do starts, is sustained, and ends with prayer. Prayer is our lifeline. Therefore, we have a whole team of people consecrated and praying over our worship times, growth groups and so much more. If you need prayer, click on the picture to add your prayer to our prayer wall -->
If you want to join the prayer team or the care team, scroll for more information!

Prayer Team Leader - Susan Ortell
Because prayer is so vital for us and all that we do, we have a Spirit-filled team leader who helps connect our Prayer Team with the different areas of ministry for catalyzing prayer warriors. To join the prayer team email and your information will promptly be forwarded to Susan.
Care Team Leader - Shari Doktor
With prayer as our lifeline we recognize there are often specific times of grief, pain, or suffering where people need specific prayer - this is what our care team is for! The main focus of this team is NOT around praying for our ministries but, more around praying for people in the type of season mentioned prior. If you would like to join the Care Team or need prayer in this area email