Name First Last Email or Phone* give us the best way to contact you.Please check any areas that you are interested in learning more about, and we will help you get connected...we will provide you with a full description of the ministry and provide you training!CURRENT SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIESYEAR ROUND OPPORTUNITIESKid's Ministry Nursery (1-2)* Preschool (3-4)* Explorers (K-5th grade)* Check-in Host* **for the safety of our kids, all opportunities require a background check.Student Ministries (Anchor) Anchor Leader (Thursday Nights)* Breakout Group or Small Group Leader* Snack Host (Thursday Nights)* Anchor Event Partner* **for the safety of our students, all opportunities require a background check.Growth Groups Group Leader/Facilitator Group Host Band Leader 1st Impressions / Welcome Team - Please choose your preference Greeter Usher Welcome Center Host Hospitality / Coffee Area Host Parking Lot Host Worship Team Vocalist (singing) Instumentalist Drama Team / Other Artist Tech Team Sound Board Tech Camera/Light Tech Computer/Media Tech Schweitzer Elementary Literacy Corp Lunch Room D.O.G.S. Program (Dads of Great Students) Other Ministries Facilities Office Staff Meal Team (Funeral or General Need) Prayer Ministry Dinner Church - Provide dishes Norwayne Clean-up (June) Life-Remodeled Do you have another serving opportunity that is not listed from above? If yes, list those serve opportunities here:Section BreakEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ